Open Positions
For all positions in the Algorithms and Complexity Group we particularly encourage women to apply.
6-Year PostDoc Position in Algorithmics and Algorithm Engineering (closed)
The Algorithms and Complexity Group is offering a 6-year full-time position as university assistant (Post-doc) (40 hours/week). The successful candidate will join the research team led by Prof. Martin Nöllenburg working on graph and geometric algorithms.
Expected start: 01.10.2022 or later (negotiable)
The specific requirements for this postdoc position are the following:
- A completed PhD degree in computer science or a related area and optionally prior postdoc experience
- Excellent knowledge in algorithmics and algorithm engineering and research experience in at least one of graph drawing, graph algorithms, computational geometry, information visualization, or combinatorial optimization
- Strong track record of publications in top conferences and journals
- Very good communication skills and an interest in teaching (in English and German)
- Very good skills in written and spoken English, as well as a good command of the German language or willingness to learn it in the first year
We offer:
- A stimulating and collaborative scientific environment in an internationally visible research unit with broad expertise in algorithms and complexity
- Continuing support in personal and academic career development
- Outstanding opportunities for collaboration within the university and with other excellent institutions in Vienna
- Work place in a central location in one of the most liveable cities in the world
TU Wien is committed to increasing the proportion of women in particular in leadership positions. Female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women when equally qualified, unless reasons specific to a male applicant tilt the balance in his favour.
People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university (contact:
Entry level salary is determined by the pay grade B1 of the Austrian collective agreement for university staff. This is a minimum of currently EUR 4,061.50/month gross, 14 times/year for 40 hours/week. Relevant working experiences may increase the monthly income.
Application deadline: September 8, 2022
Applications must be submitted electronically via the official call on the TU Wien job portal.
For informal inquiries, please contact Martin Nöllenburg (
A fully-funded PhD position
There is an opening for a PhD position on innovative applications of SAT techniques (that includes, SAT, MaxSAT, (D)QBF, and related techniques), with theoretical and experimental objectives.
The positions is within the new MSCA PhD program LogiCS@TUWien, is for 4 years, and comes with an attractive full-time salary and traveling allowance.
Successful applicants will work under the supervision of Prof. Stefan Szeider on one of the research topics:
- Computer Search in Discrete Mathematics
- Formal Methods in Computational Social Choice
- SAT-Based Methods for Explainable AI
Find here (projects 10-12) details on these topics.
Find here instructions on how to apply.
The application deadline is April 30, 2022.
Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to Stefan Szeider.
PhD Position in Optimization
The Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization (VGSCO) is a joint research and training program of the University of Vienna, TU Wien, IST Austria and Vienna University of Economics and Business funded by the Austrian Science Funds (FWF). Its main goal is to give PhD candidates a comprehensive training in different areas of optimization with special emphasis on algorithmic and numerical aspects. It fosters scientific collaboration between the PhD students and their advisors representing a broad spectrum of topics and areas in
the field of optimization.
The VGSCO currently announces a PhD position in the area of
Hybrid Methods for Combinatorial Optimization
(TU Wien, Supervisor: Günther Raidl)
Hard combinatorial optimization problems arise in many highly relevant domains like transport optimization, scheduling, network design, cutting and packing, and bioinformatics. Powerful exact techniques for solving such problems exist, like mixed integer programming, constraint programming, or SAT solving, but on many occasions their applicability is still limited to small-sized problem instances. In such cases one typically turns to heuristic approaches that trade optimality for reasonable speed. The aim of this thesis project is to develop, for a selected class of problems, hybrid optimization approaches that scale better to large instances of practical interest while still being able to deliver reasonable quality guarantees.
More specifically, we aim at the one hand on leveraging data-driven techniques from machine learning, in particular reinforcement learning, to guide more classical optimization algorithms. On the other hand, decomposition techniques, decision diagrams, and multilevel-refinement provide fruitful starting points. Special attention will be paid on the implementation, experimental evaluation, and comparison of methods.
The candidates are expected to have a solid theoretical background in algorithms, data structures, combinatorial optimization as well as strong computer skills. The advertised position is associated with the Faculty of Informatics of TU Wien, in the Research Group on Algorithms and Complexity. The successful candidate will become a member of the Vienna Graduate School on Computational Optimization. The duration of the employment is of 3 years with possibility of extension. The extent of employment is 30 hours per week. The annual gross salary is approximately 31,000 €. The planned start of the position is autumn 2020.
Application Requirements and Procedure
The candidates must have a master degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or Mathematics (or comparable fields) at the moment the PhD position starts. The application documents should contain a letter of motivation; the scientific CV with publication list, if available; higher education certificates/diplomas; the diploma/master thesis and letter(s) of recommendation. Applications have to be submitted at
The deadline for applications is June 15, 2020.
For any inqueries, please do not hesitate to contact Günther Raidl.
6-Year PostDoc Position in Algorithms (closed)
The Algorithms and Complexity Group is offering a position as university assistant (Post-doc) for 6 years for 40 hours/week.
Expected start: 1.10.2020 (negotiable)
The specific requirements for this postdoc position are the following:
- Completed doctoral study in Computer Science or a related area
- Excellent Knowledge in the field of algorithms and complexity
- Excellent publications in top-tier conferences and journals
- Very good communication skills and an interest in teaching
- Research experience in at least one of the following areas:
parameterized algorithms and complexity
algorithmic applications of graph decompositions
satisfiability and constraint satisfaction - A good command of the German language is desirable
We offer:
- A stimulating scientific environment
- Continuing support in personal and academic carrier development
- Outstanding opportunities for collaboration
- Work place in a central location in one of the most liveable cities in the world
TU Wien is committed to increase female employment in leading scientific positions. Female candidates are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given when equally qualified.
People with special needs are equally encouraged to apply. In case of any questions, please contact the confidant for disabled persons at the university (contact:
Entry level salary as a postdoctoral researcher is covered by level B1 of the Austrian Collective Agreement for university staff, and receives a minimum of currently EUR 3.889,50/month gross, 14 times/year. Relevant working experiences may increase the monthly income.
Application deadline: May 28, 2020
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to and should contain
- Letter of motivation
- CV
- List of publications
- Short research statement
- Three of the most important publications
- Contact information of three referees
For informal inquiries, please contact Univ.Prof.Dr. Stefan Szeider (
Candidates are not eligible for a refund of expenses for travelling and lodging related to the application process.
The official call can be found in the University Bulletin 18/2020.
PhD and Postdoc positions in "Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Preference-based Problems in Social Choice"
One PhD position (3 years with the possibility of extension) and one Postdoc position (1 year with the possibility of extension) are available for the WWTF research project titled
"Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Preference-based Problems in Social Choice"
supervised by Jiehua Chen.
The research topics include voting, structured preferences, stable matching (matchings under preferences) with a focus on parameterized and approximation algorithm design.
The positions are available immediately and the starting date is quite flexible. Applicants with a solid background in areas such as algorithm design (including but not limited to parameterized algorithms and approximation algorithms), computational complexity, and/or discrete mathematics are welcome to apply.
Please send your application, including
(1) your academic CV,
(2) a motivation letter, including an explanation of your research interests,
- for the PhD position:
(3) your Master's thesis and
(4) a list of subjects studied, giving sufficient details and grades/marks obtained -
for the Postdoc position:
(3) your PhD thesis and
(4) your five most important publications
directly to Jiehua Chen
(If possible all in a single PDF file)
For informal inquiries you can also contact via the above email address.
Postdoc position in Parameterized Complexity (Closed)
There is an opening for a postdoc position at the Algorithms and Complexity group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. The position is for two years with the possibility of an extension.
Required are a PhD degree in Computer Science or related area and excellent knowledge of algorithms and complexity, preferably in the setting of parameterized complexity and fixed-parameter tractability. Some background in graph theory, combinatorics, satisfiability, computational logic, or constraint satisfaction is of advantage.
The position is research-only, but interested candidates have the opportunity get involved in teaching.
Applications must be made by September 27, 2019, via this online form.
The application should include the candidate’s CV, an abstract of their PhD thesis, a motivation letter, and a list of three references.
Informal inquires by email (Stefan Szeider, <sz[AT]>) are welcome.
PhD Position at TU Wien within an FWF-funded research project on SAT-Based Local Improvement for Graph Width Parameters (Closed)
There is an opening for a fully funded research assistant position (PhD student) at the Algorithms and Complexity group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. The position is within the FWF funded research project "SAT-based local improvement for graph width parameters " which will run for 3 years.
ABSTRACT: Structural decomposition is one of the most successful approaches to the solution of hard computational problems, such as for probabilistic reasoning and computational medical diagnosis. Finding a suitable structural decomposition is itself a computationally hard problem. In this project we propose to study a new approach to finding structural decompositions. The idea is to use an exact method (in particular one that is based on satisfiability-solvers) to locally improve a heuristically obtained decomposition. Based on this new idea we will develop new algorithms for the decomposition of graphs and hypergraphs as well as for structural Bayesian Network learning. Our new approach bears the potential of achieving better decompositions for instances that are too large to be handled by exact approaches, and it also provides novel applications for satisfiability solver technology. The research will be a combination of theoretical investigations and the development and testing of prototype implementations.
Applications must be made via the online form
The deadline for applications is June 18, 2019. Informal inquiries with Prof Szeider <> are welcome.
Fully funded PhD position on SAT solving and Fixed-Parameter Algorithms with Prof. Szeider (Closed)
There is an opening for a fully funded research assistant position (PhD student) at the Algorithms and Complexity group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. The successful candidate will be supervised by Prof. Stefan Szeider. The following are some possible research topics:
- Studying the parameterized complexity of problems arising in Logic and AI
- Solving combinatorial problems via SAT encodings or related methods
- Speeding up algorithms with machine-learning methods
The position is available immediately, a starting date until Fall 2019 is intended. The position is for 3 years.The application should include the candidate’s CV, an abstract of their diploma/masters thesis, a short motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation (all five items in a single pdf file; letters of recommendation can also be sent directly). The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to Informal inquiries with Prof Szeider are welcome. A first screening of applications will start on February 20, 2019.
PhD position (University Assistant) in the Algorithms and Complexity Group (Closed)
The Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Wien invites applications for a PhD candidate Assistant position. The position is for a duration of four years and is paid according to pay scale B1 at 25 hours per week. The successful candidate has excellent knowledge in algorithmics and interest in combinatorial optimization with heuristic and exact techniques and/or machine learning, and will contribute to research and teaching. German language skills are advantageous. The deadline for applications is September 6, 2018,. For further information please contact Prof. Günther Raidl. Formal application details can be found here under paragraph 246.4.2.
Postdoc (Univ.-Ass.) position (Teaching and Research)
[this position requires proficiency in German]
Eine Stelle für eine_n Assistent_in am Institut für Logic and Computation, Forschungsbereich Algorithms and Complexity, ist voraussichtlich ab 1.5.2018 für die Dauer von 6 Jahren, Gehaltsgruppe B1, mit einem Beschäftigungsausmaß von 40 Wochenstunden zu besetzen.
Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Gehaltsgruppe beträgt derzeit EUR 3.711,10 brutto (14x jährlich).
Aufgrund tätigkeitsbezogener Vorerfahrungen kann sich das Entgelt erhöhen.
Einschlägiges abgeschlossenes Doktoratsstudium der Fachrichtung Informatik oder einer verwandten Studienrichtung bzw. ein gleichwertiges Universitätsstudium im In- oder Ausland.
Sonstige Kenntnisse:
- ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse im Bereich Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen sowie
- Interesse für die Lehre
- Im Speziellen erwünscht sind Forschungserfahrung in den Bereichen der algorithmischen Anwendungen von Graphenzerlegungen, sowie bei der Entwicklung von Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen die dem Lösen schwerer Zähl- und Entscheidungsproblemen jenseits von NP dienen.
- sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse
Bewerbungsfrist: bis 05.04.2018 (Datum des Poststempels)
Bewerbungen richten Sie an die Personaladministration, Fachbereich wiss. Personal der TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien. Onlinebewerbungen an:
Die Bewerber und Bewerberinnen haben keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung angefallener Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstanden sind.
16 fully funded PhD positions
As part of the joint doctoral program Logical Methods in Computer Science LogiCS, we are seeking exceptionally talented and motivated students. The LogiCS doctoral college focuses on interdisciplinary research topics covering:
(i) computational logic (that includes discrete algorithms and complexity),
and applications of logic to
(ii) databases and artificial intelligence as well as to
(iii) computer-aided verification.
For further details, consider the LogiCS website.
PhD position (Project Assistant) in the Algorithms and Complexity Group (Closed)
The position is part of the Austrian research project "New Frontiers for Parameterized Complexity", which investigates the parameterized complexity of problems not only in the traditional graph setting, but also in areas such as Machine Learning, Integer Linear Programming and Artificial Intelligence. The candidate will be supervised by Robert Ganian (Project PI).
Applicants are expected to have excellent mathematical skills as well as interest and background in discrete algorithms.
The position should start in the second half of 2018 and is for up to three years (the expected duration of the PhD program). The salary is according to the FWF standard contracts for PhD candidates (approx. EUR 38,000.00 gross, p.a.), which allows for a convenient life in Vienna close to the city centre.
The application should include the candidate's CV, an abstract of the diploma/masters thesis, a short motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation (all five items in a single pdf file). The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to rganian [at] by 14 May 2018.
Enquiries and questions about the position are welcome and may also be sent to rganian [at]
PhD position (University Assistant) in the Algorithms and Complexity Group (Closed)
The Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Wien invites applications for a PhD candidate Assistant position. The position is for a duration of four years and is paid according to pay scale B1 at 25 hours per week (an optional possibility for a full-time employment via an additional project contract exists). The successful candidate has excellent knowledge in algorithmics, particular interest in combinatorial optimization with heuristic and exact techniques, and will contribute to the research and teaching (e.g., Algorithms and Data Structures 1 and 2, Heuristic Optimization Techniques). The deadline for applications is September 28, 2017. Application details can be found here. For further information please contact Günther Raidl.
Project Team Member / College Assistant (PhD) in the Vienna Graduate School On Computational Optimization (Closed)
The Vienna Graduate School in Computational Optimization offers Pre-Doc contracts for PhD candidates in different areas of optimization such as Combinatorial Optimization, Global Optimization, Heuristic Optimization, Nonlinear Optimization, Stochastic Optimization, Dynamic Optimization, Algorithmic Game Theory, and Optimization for intelligent Data Analysis. The program started on October 1 but two assistant positions are still available. Employment (30 hrs/week) is based on a 3-year contract (extendable to 3.5 years depending on the evaluation).
The doctoral program is a joint initiative between the University of Vienna, TU Wien, and the Institute of Science and Technology. Candidates must follow the rules for PhD studies at one of the aforementioned institutions and participate in the joint teaching and research program. The goal of the Graduate School is to give the PhD candidates a comprehensive education in many aspects of optimization including modeling, theory and implementation. It is intended to cover by the research topics the broad scope of Theory-Algorithms-Applications. In addition to the main scientific goals, other skills will be trained such as efficient literature search, writing scientific papers, presentation of results, the transformation of mathematical ideas into working algorithms, understanding the peculiar problems of application areas and putting them into a mathematical formulation. In the long term we will foster collaboration between the members and their respective institutions in order to make Vienna a place of excellence in Computational Optimization.
If interested, please contact Günther Raidl <>.
For application details see
The deadline for applications is December 31, 2016.
Further information:
PhD position (University Assistant) in the Algorithms and Complexity Group (Closed)
The Institute for Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Algorithms and Complexity Group at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) invites applications for an Assistant position for a PhD candidate. The position is for a duration of four years and is paid according to pay scale B1 at 25 hours per week. The successful candidate has excellent knowledge in algorithmics, is fluent in English and German and will contribute to the research and teaching (e.g., Bachelor's courses Algorithms and Data Structures 1 and 2) of the Algorithms and Complexity Group. The deadline for applications is March 17, 2016. Application details can be found here.
Two Assistant Professors, Tenure Track (Closed)
The Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) invites applications for 2 Assistant Professor positions (tenure track).
Candidates can apply in any of the Faculty’s main research areas: Computer Engineering, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Logic & Computation (which includes Algorithms and Complexity), Media Informatics & Visual Computing, as well as Business Informatics, but the two positions will not be staffed within the same research area. The initial appointment is for 6 years with the possibility of promotion to a permanent position as Associate Professor following a positive tenure evaluation.
Duties include research in one of the Faculty’s main research areas (see above) as well as graduate and undergraduate teaching. The deadline for applications is Oktober 31, 2015. Application details can be found here.
Two Postdoc Researcher Positions for Women (Closed)
The Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) announces 2 postdoc researcher positions for women. Candidates can apply in any of the Faculty’s main research areas: Computer Engineering, Distributed and Parallel Systems, Logic and Computation (which includes Algorithms and Complexity), Media Informatics and Visual Computing, as well as Business Informatics. The deadline for applications is August 30, 2015. Application details can be found here (pdf).
PhD position in Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) solving (Closed)
There is an opening for a funded PhD position in Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) solving at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. The PhD student will join Stefan Szeider’s research group to develop and implement new methods for leveraging variable independence in QBF solvers, as part of a new research project funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Applicants are expected to have solid programming skills and a strong interest in theory. A background in QBF or SAT solving is of advantage. The position is for a duration of three years (the expected duration for completing the PhD). The successful applicant is expected to start in 2015. The salary is according to standard FWF contracts for PhD candidates (approx. EUR 27,500 gross, p.a.), which allows for a convenient living in Vienna close to the city center.
The application should include the candidate’s CV, an abstract of their diploma/masters thesis, a short motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation (all five items in a single pdf file). The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to <qbf @>.
Postdoc position in Parameterized Complexity (Closed)
There is an opening for a fully funded postdoc position for the duration of two years at our research group.
The position is within the research project “Exploiting New Types of Structure for Fixed Parameter Tractability” which is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The gross salary p.a. is approximately EUR 49.500. In addition, there are ample funds for traveling.
The candidate should have (or expect to have shortly) a PhD degree in Computer Science or related area; research experience at postdoctoral level is of advantage. A successful candidate should have excellent knowledge of algorithms and/or complexity, preferably in the setting of parameterized complexity and fixed-parameter tractability. Strong background in graph theory, combinatorics, satisfiability, or constraint satisfaction is of advantage.
The application should include the candidate’s CV, an abstract of their PhD thesis, a motivation letter, and a list of three references. The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to <jobs @>.
The review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications received by February 28, 2015 will receive full consideration. Informal inquires by email (Stefan Szeider, <stefan @>) are welcome.