The dark side and the bright side of algorithms
Press release from August 30, 2017 (in German)
Die dunkle und die helle Seite der Algorithmen
Florian Aigner
Stefan Szeider
Press release from August 30, 2017 (in German)
Florian Aigner
Stefan Szeider
Ronald de Haan wins the E.W. Beth Dissertation Prize 2017 for his thesis “Parameterized Complexity in the Polynomial Hierarchy.”
The E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize is named in honor of the Dutch mathematician Evert Willem Beth, and is awarded to outstanding PhD theses in the fields of Logic, Language, and Information by the Association for Logic, Language and Information.
Ronald wrote his thesis while working at the Algorithms and Complexity Group at TU Wien under the supervision of Stefan Szeider.
Currently Ronald is holding a postdoc position with the Computational Social Choice Group
Ricardo Baeza-Yates (NTENT, former Vice-President of Yahoo! Research Labs) gives the Vienna Gödel Lecture 2017
June 8th, 2017, 17:30
TU Wien, EI 7, Gußhausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
The lecture is moderated by Stefan Szeider.
More information can be found here.
Foto copyright: Faculty of Informatics / Nadia Meister
The Vienna March for Science on April 22, 2017, started with a Science Picnic. The Algorithms and Complexity Group performed a science demonstration with a human sorting network.
This demonstration introduced the participants to ideas of computational thinking. Volunteers from the public — adults and children — were invited to sort numbers (and other items) by progressing through the sorting network and in doing so, getting an understanding of fundamental principles used in computers.
Contact: Stefan Szeider
Further pictures:
The annual ALGO congress is the leading international gathering of researchers on Algorithms in Europe.
In 2017, ALGO will include the conferences ESA, IPEC, WAOA, ALGOCLOUD, ALGOSENSORS, and ATMOS, as well as a Summer School on Parameterised Complexity.
ALGO will be hosted at TU Wien, September 4-8, 2017.
More details can be found at the ALGO 2017 web site.
At ICDT 2017, the 20th International Conference on Database Theory, which will be held in Venice, Italy, March 21-24, 2017, our post-doc researcher Simone Bova will receive the best paper award for the paper:
Simone Bova and Hubie Chen.
How many variables are needed to express an existential positive query?
In collaboration with Christian Blum from the University of the Basque Country, Günther Raidl wrote the Book Hybrid Metaheuristics – Powerful Tools for Optimization. The book is published by Springer in the series “Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Theory, and Algorithms” and available in printed form as well as e-book.
Ronald de Haan successfully defended his PhD thesis “Parameterized Complexity in the Polynomial Hierarchy” on November 8th, 2016. Congratulations!
Ronald was supervised by Stefan Szeider.
Fabian Klute received the first prize in one of the four categories of the Graph Drawing Contest 2016 for his submission “Circles of Panama”, which shows the complex network of offshore companies revealed through the recent “Panama Papers” leak. The contest took place during the 24th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization in Athens, Greece, which was held September 19-21, 2016.
At SAT 2016, the 19th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, which was held in Bordeaux, France, 5th-8th July, 2016, our PhD student Neha Lodha received the best student paper award for the paper: A SAT Approach to Branchwidth (with S. Ordyniak and S. Szeider). The paper appeared in the SAT 2016 Proceedings (Nadia Creignou, Daniel Le Berre, eds.), volume 9710 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 179–195, 2016, Springer Verlag.