The AC Retreat took place between 29.6. and 1.7.. Within the retreat, a number of topics and research directions were discussed and introduced, and we provide a brief summary of potential research ideas below.
-Applications of metaheuristics to Bayesian Networks / synergies between Bayesian Networks and other topics, such as bicycle sharing (Sebastian + Christian?)
-Use SAT/QBF solvers for Unique Hamiltonian Graphs (Friedrich/Neha + Benedikt)
-ILP-to-SAT encodings (?)
-Connection between Solution Archives and Knowledge Compilation (Simone, Friedrich + Benjamin)
-FPT reductions from problems beyond NP to Mixed Integer Programming (Ronald+Benjamin)
-Invite Sarah Kirchner (already happened!)
-Structural parameters for Map Labeling (Martin+Robert...)
-Connections between (weak) backdoors / master problem for Benders' decomposition; Benders' decomposition / SAT clause learning (Neha, Eduard, ... + Christopher, Johannes, MartinR)
-Crossing minimization in book embeddings (Martin + ...)
-Neighborhood Search technique in relation to Parameterized Complexity, use SAT for Local Search (Frederico + ?)
-Applications of Kernelization for Meta-Heuristics (Robert, Sebastian, Eduard, Ramanujan + Petrina, Frederico)
-Visualizing SAT instances, searching for structure (Martin+Stefan?)
-Column generation for SAT (Christopher+Neha, Friedrich)
-SAT/MIPS/CSP encodings for Scheduling or other problems (Neha, Friedrich+Johannes, Martin)
-Apply SAT/QBF for subproblems resulting from decomposition-techniques such as Benders' decomposition or others (pricing problem for column generation) (Robert, Sebastian ... + Gunther, Christopher...)
-Tree-decompositions as basis for Benders' decomposition (Gunther+Sebastian, Robert, Eduard)