A Beam Search for the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem Guided by an Approximate Expected Length Calculation (bibtex)
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A Beam Search for the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem Guided by an Approximate Expected Length CalculationJonas Mayerhofer, Markus Kirchweger, Marc Huber, Günther RaidlEvolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization – EvoCOP 2022 (Leslie Pérez Cáceres, Sébastien Verel, eds.), volume 13222 of LNCS, pages 127–142, 2022, Springer.Note: best paper award winner
Bibtex Entry:
author="Mayerhofer, Jonas and Kirchweger, Markus and Huber, Marc and Raidl, G{\"u}nther",
title="A Beam Search for the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem Guided by an Approximate Expected Length Calculation",
booktitle="Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization -- EvoCOP 2022",
editor="P{\'e}rez C{\'a}ceres, Leslie and Verel, S{\'e}bastien",
series = {LNCS},
publisher = {Springer},
volume = {13222},
note = {best paper award winner},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-04148-8_9},
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