by Benedikt Klocker, Günther R Raidl
Solving a Weighted Set Covering Problem for Improving Algorithms for Cutting Stock Problems with Setup Costs by Solution MergingBenedikt Klocker, Günther R RaidlComputer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2017, Part I (Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, eds.), volume 10671 of LNCS, pages 355-363, 2018, Springer.
Bibtex Entry:
author={Klocker, Benedikt and Raidl, Günther R},
title={Solving a Weighted Set Covering Problem for Improving Algorithms for Cutting Stock Problems with Setup Costs by Solution Merging},
booktitle={Computer Aided Systems Theory -- EUROCAST 2017, Part I},
volume = {10671},
pages = {355-363},
editor={Moreno-D{\'i}az, Roberto and Pichler, Franz and Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis},
address = {Gran Canaria, Spain},
year = {2018},
keywords = {cutting stock problem, discrete optimization, PILOT, beam search, solution merging}