Variable Neighborhood Descent with Self-Adaptive Neighborhood-Ordering (bibtex)
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Variable Neighborhood Descent with Self-Adaptive Neighborhood-OrderingBin Hu, Günther R. RaidlProceedings of the 7th EU/MEeting on Adaptive, Self-Adaptive, and Multi-Level Metaheuristics (Carlos Cotta, Antonio J. Fernandez, Jose E. Gallardo, eds.), 2006.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Bin Hu and G\"unther R. Raidl},
title = {Variable Neighborhood Descent with Self-Adaptive Neighborhood-Ordering},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th {EU/ME}eting on Adaptive, Self-Adaptive, and Multi-Level Metaheuristics},
editor = {Carlos Cotta and Antonio J. Fernandez and Jose E. Gallardo},
year = {2006},
address = {Malaga, Spain},
keywords = {vns,netdesign},
url = {},
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