Exact and Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem (bibtex)
Exact and Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree ProblemMartin GruberMay 2009, PhD thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms.Note: supervised by G. Raidl
Bibtex Entry:
  author	= {Martin Gruber},
  title		= {Exact and Heuristic Approaches for Solving the Bounded Diameter Minimum Spanning Tree Problem},
  month = May,
  year		= {2009},
  school	= {Vienna University of Technology,
		   Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms},
  note		= {supervised by G.~Raidl},
keywords = {netdesign,bdmst},
  url = {https://www.ac.tuwien.ac.at/files/pub/gruber-PhD-09.pdf},
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