Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Prize-Collecting Job Sequencing with One Common and Multiple Secondary Resources (bibtex)
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Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Prize-Collecting Job Sequencing with One Common and Multiple Secondary ResourcesJohannes Maschler, Günther R. RaidlAnnals of Operations Research, volume 302, pages 407–531, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Johannes Maschler and Günther R. Raidl},
title = {Multivalued Decision Diagrams for Prize-Collecting Job Sequencing with One Common and Multiple Secondary Resources},
journal = {Annals of Operations Research},
year = {2021},
pages = {407--531},
volume = 302,
url = {},
keywords = {mdd,pcjsocmsr}
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