Ein evolutionärer Algorithmus zur Lösung des Vertex-Biconnectivity Augmentation Problems (bibtex)
Ein evolutionärer Algorithmus zur Lösung des Vertex-Biconnectivity Augmentation ProblemsSandor Alexander KerstingSep 2003, Master's thesis, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms.Note: supervised by G. Raidl
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Sandor Alexander Kersting},
title = {Ein evolution\"arer {A}lgorithmus zur {L}\"osung des {V}ertex-{B}iconnectivity {A}ugmentation {P}roblems},
school = {Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer
Graphics and Algorithms},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
month = Sep,
year = {2003},
url = {https://www.ac.tuwien.ac.at/files/pub/kersting_03.pdf},
note = {supervised by G.~Raidl},
keywords = {evolcomp,netdesign,hybrid},
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