Backdoor Sets for DLL Subsolvers (bibtex)
Backdoor Sets for DLL SubsolversStefan SzeiderJournal of Automated Reasoning, volume 35, number 1-3, pages 73-88, 2005.Note: Reprinted as Chapter 4 of the book SAT 2005 - Satisfiability Research in the Year 2005, edited by E. Giunchiglia and T. Walsh, Springer Verlag, 2006
Bibtex Entry:
@string{jar="Journal of Automated Reasoning"}
  author = 	 {Stefan Szeider},
  title = 	 {Backdoor Sets for {DLL} Subsolvers},
  journal = 	 JAR,
   volume  =     {35},
   number  =     {1-3},
  pages =        {73-88},
 year = 	 2005,
  note = 	 {Reprinted as Chapter 4 of the book SAT 2005 - 
                  Satisfiability Research in the Year 2005, 
                  edited by E. Giunchiglia and T. Walsh, 
                  Springer Verlag, 2006},
  url   = {},

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