The Silent (R)evolution of SAT (bibtex)
by , , ,
The Silent (R)evolution of SATJohannes K. Fichte, Daniel Le Berre, Markus Hecher, Stefan SzeiderCommunications of the ACM, volume 66, number 6, pages 64–72, June 2023.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{comacm="Communications of the ACM"}
  author       = {Johannes K. Fichte and Daniel Le Berre and Markus
                  Hecher and Stefan Szeider},
  title        = {The Silent (R)evolution of {SAT}},
  journal      = ComACM,
  year 	       = {2023},
  volume    = {66},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = { 64--72},
  month     = JUN,
  doi = {10.1145/3560469},
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