Clique-width is NP-complete (bibtex)
by , , ,
Clique-width is NP-completeMichael R. Fellows, Frances A. Rosamond, Udi Rotics, Stefan SzeiderSIAM J. Discrete Math., volume 23, number 2, pages 909-939, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
@string{siamjdm="SIAM J. Discrete Math."}
@article {FellowsRosamondRoticsSzeider09,
    author = {Fellows, Michael R. and Rosamond, Frances A. and Rotics, Udi
              and Szeider, Stefan},
     title = {Clique-width is {NP}-complete},
   journal = SiamJDM,
    volume = {23},
      year = {2009},
    number = {2},
     pages = {909-939},
       url   = {},
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