Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences (bibtex)
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Abstract Argumentation with Conditional PreferencesMichael Bernreiter, Wolfgang Dvorák, Stefan WoltranComputational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA 2022, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 14-16 September 2022, volume 353 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 92–103, 2022, IOS Press.
Bibtex Entry:
keywords = "reveal",
  author    = {Michael Bernreiter and
               Wolfgang Dvor{\'{a}}k and
               Stefan Woltran},
  title     = {Abstract Argumentation with Conditional Preferences},
  booktitle = {Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of {COMMA} 2022, Cardiff,
               Wales, UK, 14-16 September 2022},
  pages     = {92--103},
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {10.3233/FAIA220144">https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA220144},
  doi       = {10.3233/FAIA220144},
  Xeditor    = {Francesca Toni and
               Sylwia Polberg and
               Richard Booth and
               Martin Caminada and
               Hiroyuki Kido},
  series    = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
  volume    = {353},
  publisher = {{IOS} Press},
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