### Description of instance files The algorithms were tested on six different types of graphs: - bipartite - grid - net - planar - random - recursive The instances of each graph class are given in the respective folders; each instance is given in the form of an edge list in a TXT file. ### Description of experiment results The results of the computational experiments are given as CSV files: the results obtained for the MBIP algorithm are in mbip.csv, the results for the GRASP algorithm are in grasp.csv, and the results for the SA and SAH algorithms are in sa.csv and sah.csv, respectively. The results for the greedy algorithms can be found in greedy_tb.csv (using the tiebreaker) and in greedy_no_tb.csv (without the tiebreaker). Note that, in order to save resources, the execution of the metaheuristic algorithms was stopped early if a known optimal solution was found. The format of each line of the results obtained for the MBIP formulation is: ```name of the instance, number of vertices, number of edges, value of the best obtained solution, total time the algorithm was run, final relative gap as reported by Gurobi, lower bound reported by Gurobi, solver status (OPTIMAL or TIME_LIMIT)```. The format of each line of the results for the greedy algorithms is: ```name of the instance, number of vertices, number of edges, value of the solution, total runtime```. The format of each line of the results for the other approaches is: ```name of the instance, number of vertices, number of edges, value of the best obtained solution, total runtime, time it took to find the best obtained solution```.