############################# ###### INSTANCE FORMAT ###### ############################# The header describes the instances properties: d_max: [maximum distance at which node pairs can communicate without using relays] |V|: [number of vertices] |A|: [number of arcs] |NDC|: [number of node pairs that need to communicate] The next line is a description: Relay-Costs (cost x-coordinate y-coordinate): Then follows a list of |V| items of the form: [relay-cost] [relay x-coordinate] [relay y-coordinate] The next line is a description: Arcs (start end distance cost): Then follows a list of |A| items of the form: [vertex1] [vertex2] [distance] [cost] The next line is a description: NDC-pairs: Then follows a list of |NDC| items of the form: [start vertex] [target vertex] {Note: This list is guaranteed to be lexicographically ordered according to (start vertex, target vertex)} General Notes: - The instances are consistently spaced following the above description (i.e. elements within a line are always separated by exactly one space). - Lists of edges are lexicographically ordered according to (vertex1,vertex2).